Meet Stephanie Powers.

She’s an International Astrologer, Host of The Astrology Lounge Podcast, and the voice behind the soulful Substack, “Ask The Morning.”

But before all of this, she was a Certified Holistic Health Coach. She first entered the wellness space after experiencing thyroid issues of her own, and healing it through natural remedies. She subsequently enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Her dedication to natural healing evolved towards the metaphysical and inspired her to launch a spiritual podcast called Lightworkers Lounge, which has increasingly shifted towards Astrological teachings and in January 2025, officially became The Astrology Lounge.

Stephanie published a self-help Moon Journal (It’s Just a Phase) in 2022, and, today, writes personal essays for Substack, conducts an array of chart readings for clients all over the world, and offers educational resources to encourage others to expand their understanding of Astrology.

Bio written by: Renee P

Hi. I’m Steph.

I’ve always felt…. different.

Not in any particular way, but in a way of… no matter how many friends I had surrounded myself with, how many people thought I was a cool kid, I always find something that makes me different.

I’ve never been able to look at people as physical shells. I only see their energy.
I ignored this side of me and went on with the Standard American Life:

School, Marriage, Job, Settle down.

And it almost killed me.
I mean a slow burn, continuous paddle upstream, soul crushing existence.

I had it all. The husband. The stable income. The beautiful apartment.
And when I had all of this, is when I felt most empty.

Despite seeing repeating numbers, animal guides, endless “no one will believe this” synchronicities… I never spoke up and changed my ways.
I saw the signs, but I ignored them.

My mind was in the lead, trampling over my heart along the way.
And I let it happen.
Because in the past, my heart led to disappointments.
When I chased what my heart told me to,
something would rip the rug out from under me and ruin it all.
My mind made false promises to keep me safe.

I would later discover after my Saturn Return, that it was codependency and severe people pleasing tendencies steering the direction of my life.

Through childhood wounds and an inherited lack mindset, how could I possibly trust the unseen?
Not realizing that this is exactly where the realization of my daydreams awaited me.

I hit rock bottom.
I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroid Autoimmune Disease at 25.
I was diagnosed with stage 3 Adrenal Fatigue at 31.

I was told I would struggle to conceive, need to remove my thyroid, and be on medication for life.
I knew my physical body was pristine; there was nothing wrong with me.
She works hard to keep everything running smooth….

It was my energy.

Against all odds, I reversed my autoimmunity through diet and lifestyle changes.
I was told it would be 10 years of rest, relaxation techniques, to bring my adrenals back to normal; it took me 1 year.
I was so inspired and proud of my clear lab results, I enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a Certified Holistic Health Coach, and empower others do the same.

It was a hit.
My Health Coach practice took off and I worked with some incredible women, discussing thyroid, hormones, fertility, and, well…life.
Through my client sessions I quickly realized that everyone knew how to be healthy.
They know to eat vegetables.
They knew to drink water and exercise.
So why aren’t they?

Equally inspired as I was intrigued by how someone could
physically heal themselves by changing not only their diet, but their thoughts,
I set out to discover:

Tales of having a human experience… in a spiritual world.

And Lightworkers Lounge was created.


Through the show I made some incredible connections in the spiritual world.
I had the honor of studying Astrology with Debra Silverman, and found the knowledge of the seasons and stars came as natural as breathing to me.
My Aquarius MC was activated.

If life is a journey, Astrology is a map. - Judith Hill
As a child who didn’t feel strong enough to be herself.
A teenager who didn’t feel confident enough to chase her dreams.
A young woman who was afraid to hurt feelings in the name of choosing herself,
I now passionately teach other’s about their birth charts to help them untangle similar knots that may have led them astray.

I am a
Sagittarius Sun
Scorpio Moon
Taurus Rising

My Sagittarius will come out when you hear me rap and burst into belly laughs on the podcast.
Scorpio comes out when I don’t post a new episode for a month.
Taurus rising reveals itself through the calm demeanor in my voice.

I’m an Emotional Manifestor in Human Design.

I’m not here to teach you anything you don’t already know.
Deep down, you know the answer to everything you seek.
I’m here to share stories from the heart that inspire you to come home to that answer.
Reconnect you with yourself through an Astrology consultation.
And also — laugh together at the way humans take this life too seriously.


Also serves a purpose to note:
I have a pug named Jeffrey.
Where there is one, there is the other.
It’s not always Lightworkers Lounge, but the Stef & Jeff show.
He joins me on all zoom calls, podcasts, and events.
Thank you for being understanding of the background snores.



Podcast: @lightworkerslounge
Personal IG: @stephanie__powers
Astrology: @_cosmiccoconut

*For Promotional or Collaborative Opportunities, email Stephanie directly at:

My growth came when I realized that I do not have to experience life the way I have been told to.
— Unknown

Stephanie's Credentials:

  • Bachelors of Science degree in Organizational Leadership with Honors

  • Certified Holistic Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • 2X Author of “It’s Just a Phase” and “Thyroid First Aid Kit”

  • Level 2 Graduate of Debra Silverman’s Applied Astrology School

  • Completed Professional Synastry & Asteroid Astrology courses under Malika Semper

  • Completed Professional Medical Astrology Course under Judith Hill

  • Completed Professional Chiron Course under AstroButterfly