grab yo’ kombucha, mocktail, cocktail, or coconut water…
Live Astrology Chat
The details
Who: Me, you, and other Cosmic Coconuts (CC)
What: For our first live CC Astro Chat, we will be discussing all things 🌞 sun signs! We’ll have chart readings and discussions. I’ll also answer questions. At the end, I’ll send us on our way by DJing us out to some of my most recent favorite songs.
When: Friday, April 14th at 5PM CST
Where: Online, via Zoom
Why: Connection and to learn more about astrology!
What if I can’t Make that time?
Don’t worry, you’ll be given access to the recording and you can submit your questions prior to the event!
What do I bring?
Come with a notebook, your natal chart, sun sign questions, and your beverage of choice!
“My favorite part about Astrology School was getting to hear how a person’s chart could play out in their life. ”
This sounds awesome! Sign me up!
My live astrology calls are part of the Cosmic Coconut Astrology Membership program.
Welcome to Cosmic Coconut Astrology Library! Here you'll find over 50 videos made by Stephanie, teaching you: - How to pull your birth chart - A video for each Sign - A video for each Planet - A video for each House By the time you finish these videos, you should have a solid understanding of your chart. Bring a notebook!